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HMPSW - Human Services Program, Pre-Social Work Option, A.S.

Program Title

Human Services Program, Pre-Social Work Option, A.S.

Program Code


Program Description

The Human Services A.S. Pre-Social Work Option prepares students to transfer to a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) program. The required coursework is designed to help students develop an understanding of human and social systems, as well as the ethics and values that guide human services practitioners in general and social workers in particular. Students learn through a combination of classroom work and fieldwork, spending 285 hours in human services agencies such as hospitals, mental health centers, social service agencies, substance-abuse counseling sites and other facilities.

Graduates of this program will be able to:

- Explain the history and philosophy of human services
- Utilize theoretical frameworks and empirical evidence to understand human development and the interactions among human systems - individuals, groups, families, organizations, communities, and societies
- Understand the conditions that promote or limit optimal human functioning
- Function effectively and appropriately within human services organizations to serve at-risk populations
- Analyze service problems, select appropriate interventions, and evaluate outcomes
- Utilize knowledge of organizational and social policies, human systems, the conditions that influence human functioning, evidence-based practices, and client-specific data to advocate on behalf of human service clients
- Apply the ethics, values, and attitudes that are necessary for successful human service practice
- Evaluate their own values, personalities, reaction patterns, interpersonal styles, and limitations


General Education: 32 Credits

As described in the General Education section of the catalog.

The following General Education courses are required:

  • course - English Composition: The Writing Process Credits: 3

  • course - English Composition: Writing and Research Credits: 3

  • course - Human Biology Credits: 4

  • course - Information Technology Credits: 3

  • course - Statistics or course - Algebraic Modeling Credits: 4

  • course - American National Government Credits: 3

  • course - Introduction to Psychology II: Personality & Social Aspects Credits: 3

  • course - Principles of Sociology Credits: 3

  • course - World Literature I or course - World Literature II Credits: 3 (1)

  • course - World Civilization I or course - World Civilization II Credits: 3 (1)

General Education Notes:

(1) One course is recommended from the Cultural and Global Awareness knowledge area.

Career Studies: 28 Credits as Follows:

  • course - Introduction to Human Services Credits: 3

  • course - Introduction to Addiction Studies Credits: 3

  • course - Life Span Development Credits: 3

  • course - Community Agencies and Human Services Systems Credits: 3

  • course - Counseling Techniques Credits: 3

  • course - Abnormal Psychology Credits: 3

  • course - Group Dynamics Credits: 3

  • course - Quantitative Methods in Psychology Credits: 4

  • course - Human Services Practicum Credits: 3

Total Credits: 60

Suggested Sequence

The following is an example of how this degree may be completed in two years.  The sequence is based on satisfaction of all Foundational Studies requirements and prerequisites and presumes a Fall Term start date.  An individual’s program may vary depending on transfer institution, career objectives, or individual needs.  See a counselor for other options and to monitor your progress.

Semester 1: Fall Term

  • course - Introduction to Psychology II: Personality & Social Aspects Credits: 3

  • course - Introduction to Human Services Credits: 3

  • course - English Composition: The Writing Process Credits: 3

  • course - Information Technology Credits: 3

  • course - Introduction to Addiction Studies Credits: 3

Total Credits: 15

Semester 2: Spring Term

  • course - Life Span Development Credits: 3

  • course - Counseling Techniques Credits: 3

  • course - English Composition: Writing and Research Credits: 3

  • course - World Literature I or course - World Literature II Credits: 3 (1)

  • course - Community Agencies and Human Services Systems Credits: 3

Total Credits: 15

Semester 3: Fall Term

  • course - Group Dynamics Credits: 3

  • course - American National Government Credits: 3

  • course - Principles of Sociology Credits: 3

  • course - Statistics or course - Algebraic Modeling Credits: 4 (2)

  • course - World Civilization I or course - World Civilization II Credits: 3 (1)

Total Credits: 16

Semester 4: Spring Term

  • course - Quantitative Methods in Psychology Credits: 4

  • course - Human Services Practicum Credits: 3

  • course - Abnormal Psychology Credits: 3

  • course - Human Biology Credits: 4

Total Credits: 14

To learn more about the Human Services Program and Addiction Studies Option at Brookdale Community College, go to:

Bachelor's Degree Through Brookdale

This is a preferred Associate degree for students planning to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work.  For information see Dual AdmissionsUniversity Partnerships and Agreement with Monmouth University.