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BUSI - Business Program, A.A.S.

Program Title

Business Program, A.A.S.

Program Code


Program Description

This career program is designed for students who desire entry-level employment in business - related careers. This degree, combined with work experience, may enhance promotion opportunities. The core concentrations provide specialized knowledge in specific areas of Accounting, Marketing and Management. The program is not designed for transfer to a four-year college, although many courses will transfer. Persons wishing to transfer should select the Business Administration A.S. program.

Graduates of this program will be able to:

- Apply business terminology and concepts
- Analyze business situations and develop effective plans for achievement of goals
- Utilize appropriate financial and quantitative data analysis tools and technology to solve business-related problems
- Make decisions reflecting an understanding of how political-legal, competitive, technological, economic and social issues influence business
- Communicate an understanding of business principles in written and oral form
- Demonstrate effective team/interpersonal skills.


General Education: 21 Credits

As described in the General Education section in the catalog.

  • The following General Education courses are required:

    • course - English Composition: The Writing Process Credits: 3

    • course - Public Speaking Credits: 3

    • course - Information Technology Credits: 3

    • Humanities or Social Sciences- Select one course from the following

      • course - Introduction to Philosophy Credits: 3

      • course - Introduction to Psychology II: Personality & Social Aspects Credits:

      • course - Micro Economics Credits: 3

    • General Education- Cultural and Global Awareness course Credits: 3

    • General Education- General Education courses Credits: 6

Career Studies: 15 Credits as Follows:

A grade of "C" or higher is required in career studies courses.

  • course - Principles of Accounting I Credits: 3

  • course - Introduction to Business Credits: 3 (1)

  • course - Business Law I Credits: 3

  • course - Macro Economics Credits: 3

  • course - Introduction to Marketing Credits: 3

Career Studies: 21 Credits From One of the Following Concentrations:

A grade of "C" or higher is required in career studies courses.

Select career studies courses from one of the following concentrations: Accounting, Management, or Marketing.

  • Accounting Concentration

    • Career Studies: 12 credits required

      • course - Principles of Accounting II Credits: 3

      • course - Introduction to QuickBooks Credits: 3 **

      • course - Managerial Accounting Credits: 3 **

      • course - Federal Income Tax Credits: 3 *

    • Career Studies: Select 9 credits from the following

      • course - Business Law II Credits: 3

      • course - Entrepreneurship Credits: 3 **

      • course - Project Management Credits: 3 *

      • course - Accounting Internship Credits: 3

  • Management Concentration

    • Career Studies: 12 credits required

      • course - Principles of Management Credits: 3

      • course - Entrepreneurship Credits: 3 **

      • course - Global Business Credits: 3

      • course - Management Analysis - Capstone Seminar Credits: 3 **

    • Career Studies: Select 9 credits from the following

      • course - Money Management and Personal Finance Credits: 3 **

      • course - Human Resource Management Credits: 3 *

      • course - Project Management Credits: 3 *

      • course - Principles of Supply Chain Management Credits: 3 **

      • course - Special Project - Management Credits: 3

      • course - Business Internship Credits: 3

      • course - Introduction to Sports Management Credits: 3

  • Marketing Concentration

    • Career Studies: 12 credits required

      • course - Advertising Credits: 3

      • course - Fundamentals of Retailing Credits: 3

      • course - Social Media Marketing Credits: 3

      • course - Salesmanship Credits: 3 **

    • Career Studies: 9 credits from the following:

      • course - Entrepreneurship Credits: 3 **

      • course - Project Management Credits: 3 *

      • course - Principles of Supply Chain Management Credits: 3 **

      • course - Introduction to Sports Management Credits: 3

      • course - Special Project-Marketing Credits: 3

      • course - Marketing Internship Credits: 3

Electives: 3 Credits

Total Credits Required for Degree: 60


(1) Recommended as fist BUSI course

A grade of "C" or higher must be earned in all career studies courses in order to complete the program.

*Offered Fall Term only

**Offered Spring Term only

Suggested Sequence

The following sequence is an example of how this degree can be completed in two years. This sequence is based on satisfaction of all Foundational Studies requirements and prerequisites and presumes a Fall Term start date. An individual’s program may vary depending on transfer institution, career objectives, or individual needs. See a counselor for other options and to monitor your progress.

Semester 1: Fall Term

  • Accounting Concentration

  • Management Concentration

  • Marketing Concentration

Total Credits: 15

Semester 2: Spring Term

Total Credits: 15

Semester 3: Fall Term

  • Accounting Concentration

    • course - Federal Income Tax Credits: 3

    • Career Studies Credits: 3

    • Career Studies Credits: 3

    • General Education Credits: 3

    • course - Public Speaking Credits: 3

  • Management Concentration

  • Marketing Concentration

    • course - Fundamentals of Retailing Credits: 3

    • course - Social Media Marketing Credits: 3

    • Career Studies Credits: 3

    • General Education Credits: 3

    • course - Public Speaking Credits: 3

Total Credits: 15

Semester 4: Spring Term

  • Accounting Concentration

    • course - Introduction to QuickBooks Credits: 3

    • course - Managerial Accounting Credits: 3

    • Career Studies Credits: 3

    • General Education Credits: 3

    • Elective Credits: 3

  • Management Concentration

    • course - Entrepreneurship Credits: 3

    • course - Management Analysis - Capstone Seminar Credits: 3

    • Career Studies Credits: 3

    • Career Studies Credits: 3

    • Elective Credits: 3

  • Marketing Concentration

    • course - Salesmanship Credits: 3

    • Career Studies Credits: 3

    • Career Studies Credits: 3

    • General Education Credits: 3

    • Elective Credits: 3

Total Credits: 15