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HUCRW - Humanities Program, Creative Writing Option, A.A.

Program Title

Humanities Program, Creative Writing Option, A.A.

Program Code


Program Description

This option provides the writing skills and general studies to establish a foundation in creative writing across genres with some depth in specific genres and will prepare students for transfer to writing programs at the four year college level for further study. It will also prepare students for positions in writing and publishing such as writer, editor, proofreader, editorial staff positions in creative fields such as publishing, advertising, and public relations as well as a creativity worker such as author. Students interested in pursuing a BFA, MFA or PhD in Creative Writing will benefit the most from this Option, but general English majors may be interested as well.

Graduates of this program will be able to:

- Deconstruct and discuss the use of craft elements specific to certain genres of writing
- Develop and show a portfolio of original creative work as well as scholarship on contemporary literature
- Exhibit basic facility in at least two genres of creative writing
- Demonstrate familiarity with the protocols of publication both print and online.


General Education: 45-48 Credits

As described in the General Education section of the catalog and identified below:

Career Studies: 12 Credits as Follows:

  • Career Studies: 6-9 credits from the following:

    • course - Creative Writing Credits: 3

    • course - Poetry Writing Credits: 3 **

    • course - Fiction Writing Workshop Credits: 3

    • course - Creative Non-Fiction Workshop Credits: 3 **

  • Career Studies: 3-6 credits from the following

    • course - The Short Story Credits: 3

    • course - Introduction to Poetry Credits: 3

    • course - Introduction to Literature Credits: 3

    • course - Contemporary Plays Credits: 3

    • course - Screenwriting Basics Workshop Credits: 3 **

    • course - Children's Literature Credits: 3 *

Electives: 0-3 Credits

Total Credits Required for Degree: 60


*Offered Fall Term only

**Offered Spring Term only

Suggested Sequence

The following sequence is an example of how this degree can be completed in two years. This sequence is based on satisfaction of all Foundational Studies requirements and prerequisites and presumes a Fall Term start date. An individual’s program may vary depending on transfer institution, career objectives, or individual needs. See a counselor for other options and to monitor your progress.

Semester 1: Fall Term

Total Credits: 15-17

Semester 2: Spring Term

Total Credits: 15-16

Semester 3: Fall Term

Semester 4: Spring Term

Total Credits: 12-15

Sequence Notes:

(1) A minimum of 12 credits is required from the Mathematics, Science or Technological Competency knowledge areas.