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BUSAD - Business Administration Program, A.S.

Program Title

Business Administration Program, A.S.

Program Code


Program Description

This program is for students wishing to transfer to four-year colleges that offer Bachelor's degrees in business or business education. It contains a broad range of business-related courses plus the general education studies required for transfer to most four-year schools. Upon graduation from this program, and subsequent completion of a four-year degree, students will be prepared to begin careers in financial management, marketing, personnel management, sales, operations management, government, and other business-related activities with opportunities for promotion to management postions. Students who wish to become business education teachers upon completion of a four-year degree should also begin in this program.

Graduates of this program will be able to:

- Acquire a common body of knowledge in Business and demonstrate competencies by appropriately applying the relevant theories and implementation of practices
- Develop an awareness of ethical issues in the business world
- Demonstrate a proficiency in critical thinking skills to analyze and solve business problems
- Apply analytical and quantitative skills


General Education: 32-33 Credits

  • course - English Composition: The Writing Process Credits: 3

  • course - English Composition: Writing and Research Credits: 3

  • course - Public Speaking Credits: 3

  • course - Algebraic Modeling or course - Intermediate Algebra Credit: 4

  • course - College Algebra & Trigonometry Credits: 4 or course - Mathematics for Management and the Social Sciences Credits: 3

  • course - Information Technology Credits: 3

  • General Education Lab Science Credits: 4

  • Humanities Credits: 3

    • Select one of the following:

  • Social Science Credits: 3

    • Select one of the following:

      • course - Introduction to Psychology I: Physical & Sensory Aspects

      • course - Introduction to Psychology II: Personality & Social Aspects

  • Humanities or Social Science Credits: 3

    • Select one of the following:

      • course - Introduction to Ethics

      • course - Principles of Sociology

Career Studies: 18 Credits as Follows:

A grade of "C" or higher is required in all career studies courses.

  • course - Principles of Accounting I Credits: 3

  • course - Principles of Accounting II Credits: 3

  • course - Introduction to Business Credits: 3

  • course - Macro Economics Credits: 3

  • course - Micro Economics Credits: 3

  • course - Business Statistics Credits: 3

Career Studies: 9 Credits From Among the Following:

A grade of "C" or higher is required in all career studies courses.

  • course - Managerial Accounting Credits: 3 **

  • course - Principles of Management Credits: 3

  • course - Business Law I Credits: 3

  • course - Business Law II Credits: 3

  • course - Principles of Supply Chain Management Credits: 3

  • course - Fundamentals of Programming Credits: 1 *

  • course - Introduction to Sports Management Credits: 3

  • course - Pre-Calculus Mathematics Credits: 4

  • course - Calculus I or course - Calculus with Business Applications Credits: 4 *

  • course - Introduction to Marketing Credits: 3

Electives: 0-1 Credits

Total Credits Required for Degree: 60


*Rutgers New Brunswick requires MATH171 and COMP129 and COMP128. Rutgers Newark and Camden-Freehold require MATH176 and will accept MATH171.

**Offered in Spring Term only

Suggested Sequence

The following sequence is an example of how this degree can be completed in two years. This sequence is based on satisfaction of all Foundational Studies requirements and prerequisites and presumes a Fall Term start date. An individual’s program may vary depending on transfer institution, career objectives, or individual needs. See a counselor for other options and to monitor your progress.

Semester 1: Fall Term

  • course - Introduction to Business Credits: 3

  • course - Information Technology Credits: 3

  • course - Macro Economics Credits: 3

  • course - English Composition: The Writing Process Credits: 3

  • course - Algebraic Modeling or course - Intermediate Algebra Credits: 4

Total Credits: 16

Semester 2: Spring Term

  • course - Principles of Accounting Credits: 3

  • course - Micro Economics Credits: 3

  • course - English Composition: Writing and Research Credits: 3

  • Career Studies Credits: 3

  • course - College Algebra & Trigonometry Credits: 4 or course - Mathematics for Management and the Social Sciences Credits: 3

Total Credits: 15-16

Semester 3: Fall Term

  • course - Principles of Accounting II Credits: 3

  • course - World Civilization I or course - World Civilization II or course - World Literature I or course - World Literature II Credits: 3

  • course - Introduction to Psychology I: Physical & Sensory Aspects or course - Introduction to Psychology II: Personality & Social Aspects Credits: 3

  • course - Public Speaking Credits: 3

  • Career Studies: 3

Total Credits: 15

Semester 4: Spring Term

  • course - Business Statistics Credits: 3

  • General Education Lab Science Credits: 4

  • course - Introduction to Ethics or course - Principles of Sociology Credits: 3

  • Career Studies Credits: 3

  • Elective Credits: 0-1

Total Credits: 13-14