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SSPOL - Social Sciences Program, Political Science Option, A.A.

Program Title

Social Sciences Program, Political Science Option, A.A.

Program Code


Program Description

This option combines political science and other liberal arts courses required for transfer to a four-year college political science program. Upon the receipt of either an Associate's or Bachelor's degree, a student may enter such occupations as Federal, State, county or local government service, political consulting, interest group staffs, political parties, international business or government service; the teaching of civics and history courses, journalism, law enforcement or law.

Graduates of this program will be able to:

- Communicate skills and content effectively in written and verbal forms
- Complete written assignments demonstrating skills of political analysis
- Explain political science methodology
- Compare and contrast political ideologies and theories of governance
- Describe the workings of a democratic civil society
- Summarize the content of important political documents such as the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the UN Charter on Human Rights
- Illustrate in written and oral form the diversity of global political life and the impact of such diversity on their personal lives


General Education: 45-48 Credits

As described in the General Education section of the catalog and as identified below:

Career Studies: 12 Credits From Among the Following:

  • course - Introduction to Political Science Credits: 3

  • course - American National Government Credits: 3

  • course - Current Global Topics Credits: 3

  • course - State, Country, & Local Government Credits: 3

  • course - International Relations Credits: 3 **

  • course - Comparative Politics Credits: 3 *

  • course - Environmental Politics and Policy Credits: 3 **

  • course - Political Science Internship Credits: 3

Elective: 0-3 Credits

Total Credits Required for Degree: 60


*Offered Fall Term only

**Offered Spring Term only

Suggested Sequence

The following sequence is an example of how this degree can be completed in two years. This sequence is based on satisfaction of all Foundational Studies requirements and prerequisites and presumes a Fall Term start date. An individual’s program may vary depending on transfer institution, career objectives, or individual needs. See a counselor for other options and to monitor your progress.

Semester 1: Fall Term

Total Credits: 15-17

Semester 2: Spring Term

Total Credits: 15-16

Semester 3: Fall Term

Total Credits: 16

Semester 4: Spring Term

Total Credits: 12-15

Sequence Notes:

(1) A minimum of 12 credits is required from the Mathematics, Science or Technological Competency knowledge areas.