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Academic Advising

Student Success Coaches (Advisors) help students select the courses that meet a student’s educational goals. Student Success Coaches can approve courses and help students plan for graduation and transfer from Brookdale. They can also show students how to register online for future semesters using Student Planning. Students may not need to obtain course approvals each term if they plan ahead in Student Planning. Student Success Coaches see students by appointment and on a walk-in basis. You can schedule an appointment by calling 732-224-2555. The Advising Center is located on the second floor of the CAR (Counseling/Admissions/Registration) building. You can find more information on our web page:

Make an appointment to meet with your Student Success Coach today!

Educational Counseling

Counselors are the college faculty who can assist with a student’s adjustment to college and their personal development.  Counselors focus on supporting college success by helping students set personal and educational goals. They further assist students with the selection of a career path based on goals and how to achieve success. All Brookdale Counselors are licensed mental health professionals who can assist students with personal needs and referrals to other resources.

Counseling services are by appointment only and are available in-person on the Lincroft Campus or remotely. To find out more about Counseling, and to make an appointment with a counselor, please CLICK HERE.