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University Partnerships


Degree Pathways

Students hoping to earn a bachelor’s degree in Monmouth County have more options and fewer limitations than ever before. Through Brookdale’s University Partnerships, students can seamlessly transfer into a Bachelor’s Degree pathway after earning their Associate’s Degree from Brookdale. Via a University Partner, students can earn their Bachelor’s Degree close to home! Many partners offer courses at the Lincroft Campus or online. Degree Pathways are currently offered in a variety of majors via our University Partners. Please review the available list of majors and partners (  Each associate degree transfers to specific UP Program bachelor’s degrees. The third and fourth-year bachelor’s degree courses are offered on site at Lincroft, with some courses also offered online. Students graduate with a Bachelor’s degree from the four-year University Partner.


Currently, Brookdale has partnered with Georgian Court University, Kean University, and Rutgers University to offer degree programs, dual admission, guaranteed admission, application fee waivers and other benefits to Brookdale graduates.


The Brookdale-Georgian Court University Partnership is located at Brookdale’s main Lincroft Campus, and offers bachelor’s degrees in Business Administration, English, Interdisciplinary Studies, and Psychology, plus a teacher certification program.  BSW-Social Work and MBA programs have also been recently added. GCU offers their Bachelor’s degrees at a discounted rate. Please review the webpage for more information about this partnership and the specific degree program options ( 


The Brookdale-Rutgers University Partnership is located on Brookdale’s main Lincroft Campus.  In its 20th year, this growing partnership continues to offer a wide range of undergraduate degree classes and degree programs; Rutgers currently offers seven bachelor’s degree programs through the partnership including Business Administration, Criminal Justice, Labor & Employment Relations, Liberal Studies, Political Science, Public Health, and Social Work. A fully online RN to BSN program has also been added to the offerings. Please review the webpage for more information about this partnership and the specific degree options ( 


Kean University (new offering as of Fall 2023) will be offering a degree pathway for students to earn their Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology on the Lincroft Campus once they graduate with their Associate’s Degree from Brookdale. Kean plan to offer a variety of additional degree pathways in future semesters. Please review the webpage for more information about this partnership and the specific degree program options (   


These partnerships offer university-level courses taught by university faculty at a convenient location. Students receive a Bachelor’s Degree (and may even be able to continue their study into a Master’s Degree program) from the University Partner institution, and can utilize many of the services and support offered to traditional university students. Many degree programs also offer dual admission, 3+1 program options, streamlined transfer agreements and other benefits to Brookdale graduates.


These partnerships are part of an ongoing college-wide initiative to increase opportunities and streamline the educational experience for students. In addition to these University Partnerships, Brookdale has transfer agreements with over 50 colleges/universities across the state, the country, and even internationally! Please check out the Transfer Resources page for more information (! 


For further information contact us at 732-224-2409 or email