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 Academic Integrity Code

Purpose and scope of the Academic Integrity Code

  1. The following statements are adopted for the purpose of providing a set of expectations and at the same time offering the assurance that all students will be accorded fair and objective treatment when violations occur.

  2. This code will apply to students engaging in academic activities of any kind or interfering with academic activities of any kind associated with Brookdale Community College.

Student Obligations/Academic Violations

Without limiting the application of the code, a student may be found to have violated this obligation if he/she:

  1. Presents for evaluation the ideas, representations, or words of another person or persons, without customary and proper acknowledgment of sources. (Students should consult course syllabus and/or specified written handbook.)

  2. Submits the work of another person in a manner that represents the work as one’s own.

  3. Knowingly permits one’s work to be submitted by another person without the instructor’s authorization.

  4. Refers to materials or sources, or employs devices not authorized by the instructor during an academic evaluation.

  5. Receives or gives assistance during an academic examination from or to another person in a manner not authorized by the instructor.

  6. Discusses in any manner the content of an academic examination with another person in a manner not authorized by the instructor.

  7. Possesses, buys, sells, obtains, or uses a copy of any material intended to be used as an instrument of academic evaluation from another person in a manner not authorized by the instructor.

  8. Acts as a substitute for another person in any academic evaluation process.

  9. Utilizes a substitute in any academic evaluation procedure.

  10. Practices any form of deceit in an academic evaluation proceeding.

  11. Depends on the aid of others in a manner expressly prohibited by the instructor in the research, creation, writing, performance, or publication of work to be submitted for academic credit or evaluation.

  12. Provides aid to another person, knowing such aid is expressly prohibited by the instructor in the research, creation, writing, performance, or publication of work to be submitted for academic credit or evaluation.

  13. Attempts to influence or change one’s academic evaluation or record inappropriately.

Process and Discipline Procedures

The College ensures every individual has the right to a fair and equal process in academic disciplinary matters. These requirements are:

  1. When an alleged violation of the academic integrity code occurs, a violation report is generated by staff or faculty observing the incident.

    1. If generated by staff, form is then sent to course faculty. Student is notified by staff that form will be written up and sent to faculty.

    2. If generated by faculty, within two weeks, the faculty member will: investigate the incident, giving students the opportunity to discuss the alleged violation with the course faculty and advise the student of the charges against him/her, make a determination about the incident and notify the student as soon as possible but not later than two weeks of that determination. The faculty has the authority to impose the following sanctions:
      (1) No credit for assignment(s).
      (2) No credit for test(s).
      (3) Retest and or assign work to be done over again.
      (4) Failing grade in course.
      (5) Written Reprimand: written warning placed in student’s file within the Office of the Vice President for Learning for having engaged in misconduct.
      (6) Other as determined by faculty or department policy.

      The outcome will be documented on the violation form. The student will be sent a copy of the form and the Academic Integrity Code. A copy of the form will also be sent to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

  2. The student will have two weeks from the date of being notified of the violation to decide whether to appeal the alleged violation(s) or waive the right to an appeal and accept the sanction(s) imposed. The student will notify the faculty and the Vice President for Academic Affairs of her/his decision to appeal in writing.

  3. If the student chooses to appeal, the Vice President for Academic Affairs will make a determination as to the merit of the appeal and will convene the Academic Integrity Committee if necessary. Written notification of the time, place and date of the hearing will be sent to all concerned parties. This committee will be composed of two (2) students, two (2) faculty members, and the Vice President for Learning, who will act as a tie-breaking member. A designated faculty/staff member will assume the role of Vice President for Learning if there exists a specific conflict of interest for the Vice President for Academic Affairs in a pending case.

  4. At the meeting of the Academic Integrity Appeal, the student and the faculty/staff member have the right to produce witnesses on his/her behalf, to question all witnesses, and to bring counsel of his/her own choosing. Counsel will be allowed to advise the student or students charged, but not speak at the hearing. Any other Brookdale students, faculty, and staff may attend only through invitation by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Within two weeks after the hearing, the student and faculty will be informed in writing of the Committee’s determination of academic code violation. If the committee finds that a violation of the Academic Integrity Code did occur, the outcome determined by the faculty will be upheld. If the Committee finds in favor of the appeal, no sanctions will be imposed.

All records of violations of the Academic Integrity Code will be maintained by the Vice President for Academic Affairs and will be destroyed upon the student’s graduation or three years from the date of the Committee’s recommendation whichever comes first.

Multiple Violations

  1. When more than one documented violation has occurred by the same student, the Vice President for Learning will convene the Academic Integrity Committee. The student will be notified of the charges, the date of the meeting and will receive a copy of the Academic Integrity Code.

    1. The Vice President for Academic Affairs has the responsibility to present all charges against the student. The student will have the same rights to present their case as in Process and Discipline Procedures, step 4.

    2. Upon the conclusion of this hearing and after deliberation, the Academic Integrity Committee will make a recommendation to the Vice President for Academic Affairs based on the preponderance of evidence presented in the hearing verbally or in writing.

    3. Additional possible sanctions are:
      (1) Temporary loss of specified College rights and privileges until conditions are met.
      (2) Suspension may be applied for a given period of time and the term is specified to the student. All suspension actions will be noted in the student’s record.
      (3) Expulsion: results in the severance of a student from the College.
      (4) Denial or revocation of degree.

    4. The Vice President for Learning will notify the student in writing within one (1) week of the Committee’s decision.

    5. In cases where the Academic Integrity Committee finds in favor of the student, no sanctions will be imposed.

    6. Documentation of the hearing and recommendations will be maintained by the Vice President for Academic Affairs and will be destroyed upon the student’s graduation or three years from the date of the Committee’s recommendation whichever comes first.

  2. Presidential Power: Any suspension or any expulsion or denial or revocation of degree imposed will be at all times subject to the approval of the President of the College. Nothing in this regulation will be deemed to limit the final authority of the President of the College in all matters relating to violations of the Student Academic Integrity Code and the imposition of discipline therefore, whether by way of probation, suspension, or expulsion.