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Student Responsibilities

The Brookdale Student

As a member of the College community, you have certain responsibilities. Most important is maintaining a current address with the Office of the Registrar. Students who move or change their address must go to the One Stop Student Services Center in the CAR building and file a change of address form. Brookdale will not be responsible for correspondence not received through student failure to provide a current address. Persons who change their names for any reason must report this change, providing substantiating documents, to the Registrar’s Office located in the One Stop Center.

In addition, students are responsible for understanding and complying with information in all Brookdale student publications, including the Catalog and Student Handbook, as well as any official publication or communication intended for student use.

Students with disabilities requiring accommodations are responsible for identifying themselves and requesting accommodations through the Disability Services Office, located in MAC 111. Students must contact the Director of Disability Services, Ernest Oversen, by phone at 732-224-2729, TTY - 732-842-4211, FAX - 732-530-7417or by emailing

Brookdale’s faculty and staff exercise authority of the College in enforcing standards for student behavior. The following are some of the acts which are prohibited:

  • Cheating;

  • Use of physical force or the threat to do so;

  • Use of language or actions intended to incite physical force;

  • Persistent loud noise;

  • Obstruction of the lawful movement of another;

  • Engaging in reckless conduct;

  • Possession of guns or dangerous weapons;

  • Possession of alcoholic beverages or illegal narcotics or drugs;

  • Gambling;

  • Impersonating a College employee;

  • Any violation of local, state or federal law;

  • Any violation of Brookdale policy, regulation or procedure.

The standards of conduct are explained in College Regulation 6.3000RStudent Code of Conduct, or the Student Handbook or from the Office of Student Conduct and Compliance. The full regulation may be found here. A Student Grade Appeal Process may be found here.

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Students shall enjoy all the rights and privileges guaranteed to every citizen by the Constitution of the United States and by the State of New Jersey. In addition students will have the following Rights and Responsibilities:

1. Academic Freedom
Right: Students have the right to develop, explore, and express ideas with the expectation that their in-class performance will be evaluated solely on an academic basis.

Responsibility: Students are responsible for respecting the viewpoints and opinions of others in an academic environment.

2. Confidentiality
Right: Students have the right to confidential and appropriate use of academic and personal information.

Responsibility: Students are responsible for understanding the circumstances under which information can be released.

3. Course Information
Right: Students have the right to know the academic requirements for each course in which they are enrolled. These requirements should be identified in the course syllabus distributed at the beginning of the semester and include the evaluation system, due dates, attendance policy, and consequences for failing to meet the standards.

Responsibility: Students are responsible for adhering to the standards of academic performance contained in the syllabus and for seeking clarification of standards at the beginning of the term.

4. Discrimination
Right: Students have the right to an academic environment that is free from all forms of discrimination.

Responsibility: Students are responsible for conducting themselves respectfully in an academic environment that accepts the diversity of all people regardless of their perceived or real differences in race, nation of origin, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability status. For more information, review the full Brookdale Community College non-discrimination regulation.

5. Disruptions
Right: Students have the right to an academic environment that is free of unnecessary disruption.

Responsibility: Students may not interfere with the learning process of others by disrupting the academic environment. Disruptions may include entering class or other academic settings late, leaving and returning unnecessarily, inappropriate talking or noise, and improper use of cell phones, pagers, headphones, laptops or other devices.

6. Drugs and Alcohol
Right: Students have the right to an academic environment that is free from the unlawful use of drugs and alcohol.

Responsibility: Students are responsible for compliance with Brookdale’s policies and regulations as well as Federal, state and local laws regarding the unlawful use of illegal drugs or alcohol at all Brookdale facilities and sponsored events.

7. Grievances
Right: Students have the right to a process for addressing grievances.

Responsibility: Students are responsible for identifying and following the appropriate procedures for pursuing a grievance.

8. Health and Safety
Right: Students have the right to an academic environment that is healthy and reasonably free of hazards to safety and security.

Responsibility: Students may not jeopardize the health, safety and well-being of others. Students are responsible for compliance with Brookdale Community College policies and regulations regarding health and safety.

9. Program Information and Graduation Requirements
Right: Students have the right to accurate and complete information regarding program and graduation requirements.

Responsibility: Students are responsible for reviewing program materials and developing graduation plans based on program and graduation requirements.

10. Student Records
Right: Students have the right to know the type of information that is maintained in their student records and have the right to view those records and petition for change.

Responsibility: Students are responsible for adhering to the rules and regulations governing access to student records as defined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) and any college policies defining and regulating access to student records.

A variety of resources are available to help students understand and pursue their rights and responsibilities. Failure to abide by these dictates may result in disciplinary action. All the resources are available on the Brookdale website.

Resolution Of Complaints Regarding Discrimination

Any student who feels they have been the victim of discrimination or sexual harassment involving another student should bring these concerns to the attention of the Vice President Student Affairs, Dr. Yesenia Madas, located in MAC 106. Students can call 732-224-2215 or email The Vice President is the designated Section 504/ADA and Title IX Coordinator for all student matters. Students who feel they have been the victim of discrimination or sexual harassment involving a College employee should contact the Associate Vice President of Human Resources and Organization Safety, Pat Sensi, located on the first floor of the BAC.  Students can call 732-224-2234 or email

 Family Educational Rights And Privacy Act Of 1974 (FERPA)

This Act provides for the confidentiality of student records. The College reserves the right to release, or not to release, Directory Information at the discretion of appropriate officials.

Directory Information may include a student’s name, address, telephone number, field of study, participation in activities, weight and height of athletic team members, dates of attendance, degrees and awards and most recent educational institution attended, e-mail address, class schedule, class roster and photographs.

Students who wish to have Directory Information withheld must notify the Registrar, in writing, within seven days of the first day of instruction for each term and request that such information not be released without consent.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. They are:

1) The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the College receives a request for access: Students should submit to the Registrar a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The Registrar will make arrangements for access and notify the student when and where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the Registrar, he/she will advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.

2) The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes are inaccurate or misleading: Students may ask the College to amend the record they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write the College official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the College decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the College will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.

3) The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent: One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the College in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and Health Services staff); a person or company with whom the College has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agency or service provider). For collection purposes, the College currently contracts with Immediate Credit Recovery (ICR), NCO Financial Systems, Enterprise Recovery Systems (ERS) and the NJ Division of Revenue SOIL Unit. The College also uses Tuition Management Systems (TMS) as a payment plan and full payment service provider. The College reserves the right to add, delete, or change collection agencies or service providers as needed; a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. Upon request, the College may disclose educational records without consent to officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.

4) The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA.

The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20202-4605

Solomon Amendment and FERPA

Brookdale Community College complies with the Solomon Amendment which provides certain information to military recruiters. Information released to military recruiters (unless a requested privacy hold for the term has been received) may include: name, address, phone number, age and degree program.

The College Police

The College Police are responsible to uphold and enforce the laws of the Federal, State and local government and to meet the College’s obligation to report and disclose security information as required under the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008. In addition, the police are responsible for enforcing College regulations, New Jersey statutes, federal laws, and ordinances of Middletown Township.

College Police Officers possess full New Jersey Police powers 24 hours per day, the same as Municipal Police Officers. They are also subject to the same training requirements mandated by the New Jersey Police Training Commission.

The Brookdale Police are on duty 24 hours per day, seven (7) days a week on the Lincroft Campus. If you need assistance in any non-emergency situation call extension 2222 from any campus phone (732-224-2222 via cell). In an emergency situation, call 9-1-1 from any campus phone (or cell phone). In either situation, your call will be answered by the Dispatcher at the Monmouth County Dispatch Office, for assistance.  There are 22 emergency phones located throughout the Lincroft campus, including one on the path to parking lot #1 and in each parking lot. There are also emergency phones in all elevators should assistance be necessary. If you need to contact the Brookdale Police Department from off campus, dial 732-842-1950 and you will be connected to the Monmouth County Dispatch for assistance.

Medical Emergency Procedures

In the event of a medical emergency on the Lincroft Campus, the College will adhere to the following procedures:

  • Brookdale Police Department will be notified immediately - call extension 2222 from any campus phone.

  • EMT/Paramedic Unit or ambulance will be dispatched if deemed appropriate by the College Police. If EMT/Paramedic or ambulance service and/or hospital service is required the individual receiving these services will be responsible for all fees associated with the emergency.

If there is a medical emergency at one of the Regional locations, the Center Security Officer will contact the appropriate local Police/Fire Department and/or First Aid.

Insurance and Immunization

All full-time students are required by state law to possess health insurance that includes hospitalization. A fee may be assessed upon registration to ensure compliance. Full-time and part-time degree students who are 30 years of age or less may be required to furnish proof of immunization of measles, mumps, and rubella. Failure to provide required documentation may prevent students from attending more than one term. Insurance waiver forms and immunization forms are available in the One Stop Student Services Center in the CAR building on the first floor.  All forms must be returned to the Registrar located in the One Stop Center.

Visiting Student Status

A “visiting student” is anyone who is matriculated and in good standing at a college or university other than Brookdale Community College. Visiting Students are not required to take the Foundational Studies Placement Test or to meet with a Brookdale Counselor - unless the student is registering for developmental “zero-level” courses. Visiting students do not need to submit a letter from their home institution giving them permission to take courses at Brookdale. It is the visiting student’s responsibility to verify that the course(s) taken at Brookdale will transfer to the home institution and that the student has the prerequisites necessary to succeed in the course(s). It is very important to meet with the student’s home institution advisor and review the Brookdale course descriptions. This will ensure that what is taken at Brookdale meets requirements and transfers back to the home institution. For more information, call the College’s Enrollment Hotline at 732-224-2345.

Visiting students seeking reasonable academic accommodations must follow the same procedures as current Brookdale students. Visiting students must make an appointment with the Director of Disability Serivces and when appropriate, provide documentation of the disability. Visiting students are encouraged to initiate this process at least 30 days prior to the begining of the semester. For more information, call the Disability Services Office at 732-224-2730.

Campus Sexual Assault Victim’s Bill Of Rights

A college or university in a free society must be devoted to the pursuit of truth and knowledge through reason and open communication among its members.  Academic communities acknowledge the necessity of being intellectually stimulating where the diversity of ideas is valued. Its rules must be conceived for the purpose of furthering and protecting the rights of all members of the university community in achieving these ends.

Applicable state and federal laws and institutional rules and regulations governing interpersonal behavior limit the boundaries of personal freedom. In creating a community free from violence, sexual assault and non-consensual sexual contact, respect for the individual and human dignity are of paramount importance.

The State of New Jersey recognizes that the impact of violence on its victims and the surrounding community can be severe and long lasting. Thus, it has established a “Bill of Rights” to articulate requirements for policies, procedures and services designed to insure that the colleges and universities in New Jersey create and maintain communities that support human dignity.

Bill of Rights

The following Rights shall be accorded to victims of sexual assault that occur:

  • On the campus of any public or independent institution of higher education in the State of New Jersey, and

  • Where the victim or alleged perpetrator is a student at that institution, and/or

  • When the victim is a student involved in an off-campus sexual assault.

Human Dignity Rights:

  • To be free from any suggestion that victims must report the crimes to be assured of any other right guaranteed under this policy.

  • To have any allegations of sexual assault treated seriously; the right to be treated with dignity.

  • To be free from any suggestion that victims are responsible for the commission of crimes against them.

  • To be free from any pressure from campus personnel to: report crimes if the victim does not wish to do so; report crimes as lesser offenses than the victim perceives the crime to be; refrain from reporting crimes; refrain from reporting crimes to avoid unwanted personal publicity.

Rights to Resources On and Off Campus:

  • To be notified of existing campus and community based medical, counseling, mental health and student services for victims of sexual assault whether or not the crime is formally reported to campus or civil authorities.

  • To have access to campus counseling under the same terms and conditions as apply to other students in their institution seeking such counseling.

  • To be informed of and assisted in exercising: any rights to confidential or anonymous testing for sexually transmitted diseases, human immunodeficiency virus, and/or pregnancy or any rights that may be provided by law to compel and disclose the results of testing of sexual assault suspects for communicable diseases.

Campus Judicial Rights:

  • To be afforded the same access to legal assistance as the accused.

  • To be afforded the same opportunity to have others present during any campus disciplinary proceeding that is allowed the accused.

  • To be notified of the outcome of the sexual assault disciplinary proceeding against the accused.

Legal Rights:

  • To have any allegation of sexual assault investigated and adjudicated by the appropriate criminal and civil authorities of the jurisdiction in which the sexual assault is reported.

  • To receive full and prompt cooperation and assistance of campus personnel in notifying the proper authorities.

  • To receive full, prompt, and victim-sensitive cooperation of campus personnel with regard to obtaining, securing, and maintaining evidence, including a medical examination when it is necessary to preserve evidence of the assault.

Campus Intervention Rights:

  • To require campus personnel to take reasonable and necessary actions to prevent further unwanted contact of victims by their alleged assailants.

  • To be notified of the options for and provided assistance in changing academic and living situations if such changes are reasonably available.

Statutory Mandates:

  • Each campus must guarantee that this Bill of Rights is implemented. It is the obligation of the individual campus governing board to examine resources dedicated to services required and to make appropriate requests to increase or reallocate resources where necessary to ensure implementation.

  • Each campus shall make every reasonable effort to ensure that every student at that institution receives a copy of this document.

  • Nothing in this act or in any “Campus Assault Victim’s Bill of Rights” developed in accordance with the provisions of this act, shall be construed to preclude or in any way restrict any public or independent institution of higher education in the State from reporting any suspected crime or offense to the appropriate law enforcement authorities.

As is required by the Higher Education Authority Act, Brookdale annually publishes a Safety and Security Report which is available for review on the Police Department web site. at Please visit the website for additional important information including campus alerts, crime statistics or how to report and incident.