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General Biology I

Course Description

This introductory level course is designed for science majors and for students in other majors that require a laboratory science course. Through exercises in the laboratory and classroom experiences, the student will demonstrate the ability to identify, describe and interpret basic biological concepts. These concepts include the chemical basis of life, levels of organization, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, metabolism, and genetic continuity and heredity. Scientific inquiry utilizing the scientific method is emphasized throughout the course. (Prerequisites: HS Biology or a grade of "C" or higher in BIOL-105, HS Chemistry or a grade of "C" or higher in CHEM-100 or CHEM-136, and a grade of "C" or higher in MATH-021 or MATH-025 or satisfactory completion of the College's foundational studies requirement in algebra, READ-095 or satisfactory completion of the College's foundational studies requirement in reading, and ENGL-095 or satisfactory completion of the College's foundational studies requirement in writing).


