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Important Note

The statements, provisions, policies and fees listed in this catalog are not to be regarded as binding between the student and Brookdale Community College. The College has the right to change at any time any of the provisions or programs, which could include the possible elimination of programs, courses, schedules, tuition, fees procedures or statements, as may be warranted. Each student is responsible for knowing the information contained in this catalog. Failure to read and comply with College guidelines, requirements and regulations will not exempt the student from responsibility.

About Brookdale

The College was founded in 1967 and is sponsored by the citizens of Monmouth County through the Board of Chosen Freeholders. Equal opportunity for all is a College mandate; the College does not discriminate against anyone on any basis, either in education or in employment practices. An appointed Board of Trustees sets policy, fixes tuition and fees and continually monitors educational programs.

Brookdale is an open admission college, available to anyone 18 years of age or older, has been home-schooled and can document age-appropriate learning skills, anyone who is a high school graduate or holder of an equivalency diploma. (A limited number of programs have specific admission criteria which must be met.) If a student does not have a high school diploma, he or she may still enroll at Brookdale as long as the student is 18 or older. Students wishing to gain a New Jersey issued high school diploma will be referred to Brookdale’s 30-credit high school equivalency program or may take and successfully pass a GED test. An adult basic education program is offered at any of the Brookdale regional locations in Freehold, Wall, Long Branch, and Neptune.  To obtain more information on the Brookdale sites, see Regional Locations.

Brookdale is open all year and operates on a term-based system. There are two traditional 15-week terms that begin in September and January. Within each of the traditional terms we offer two 7-week terms and an 11-week term. In addition, there are 6-week and 10-week terms that run during the summer and a 2-week Winterim term is offered during winter break. Additional terms may be added based on community need. Classes tend to meet once or twice a week, depending on the length of the academic term and the course content. Classes are scheduled throughout the day, evening, online and on weekends to meet the demands of working people as well as traditional full-time students. Courses are offered not only on the Lincroft campus, but also at various regional locations throughout the county. The regional locations offer a wide range of courses. They all are accessible from most areas by public transportation.

There is no typical Brookdale student. People of all ages come to the College to meet educational goals as varied as the people themselves.  Many are enrolled full time (12 credits or more), or part time, in programs designed for transfer to four-year colleges. Others are pursuing programs designed to prepare them for employment upon graduation. Persons already working attend Brookdale to upgrade skills and enhance chances for promotion or to explore new areas to facilitate a career change. Many students are here because they love to learn and the courses they select enrich their personal lives.

In keeping with the College’s dedication to open and innovative education, learning at Brookdale is oriented toward success. Each course syllabus has learning outcomes, course requirements, grading standards, course content, notification for students with disabilities and references to additional support and labs. Teaching faculty schedule office hours to answer student questions.  Academic support services are available to students through the Writing CenterReading CenterMath Lab, STEM Peer Tutoring and the Tutoring Center at the Brookdale Bankier Library Learning Commons.

Notice of Right to Access Government Records of Brookdale Community College

The New Jersey Public Access to Government Records Act N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 (the “Act”) requires that the College grant members of the public access to government records as defined in the Act. The Act safeguards from disclosure of proprietary and private records and information.

Requests for records should be made to Bonnie Passarella, Executive Associate Legal Services located on the second floor of the Brookdale Administrative Center (BAC), parking lot #3. Requesters must fill out a form specific to their request by contacting the Records custodian directly at 732-224-2239 or emailing the request to Requests for government records may be made anonymously. Upon payment of the applicable fees, the College is required to make government records available within the following time periods:

Immediate access will be provided to budgets, bills, vouchers, contracts, including collective negotiations agreements, individual employment contracts, and public employee salary and overtime information. Immediate access will be provided as soon as reasonably possible following receipt of the request if the record is not being used and is not in archive storage.

Not later than seven (7) business days after receiving the records request, access will be granted or denied to all other government records provided the record is currently available, not in use and not in storage or archived. Failure of the Custodian of Government Records to respond within seven business days after receiving a request is deemed a denial, unless the requester has elected not to provide a name, address or telephone number, or other means of contacting the requester, in which case the Custodian of Government Records shall not be required to respond until the requester appears before the Custodian seeking a response to the original request.

The requester is entitled to be advised in advance of the estimated amount of fees and charges to be imposed by the College for the reproduction costs and other special services requested.

Right of Appeal

A person who is denied access to government records by the Custodian, at the option of the requester, may institute a proceeding challenging the Custodian’s decision by (1) filing a complaint with the Government Records Council, NJ Division of Local Government Services ( by calling 866-850-0511, toll free or by e-mail:, or (2) by filing an action in the Superior Court, Monmouth County Courthouse, Freehold, NJ.

The Higher Education Opportunity Act

The Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) requires the College to disclose and report on numerous items. Many of these are included throughout this catalog. Information pertaining to Student Consumer Information  is available from the Brookdale home page with a direct link to the State website.

Degrees And Certificates

The Associate in Arts (A.A.), Associate in Science (A.S.) and Associate in Fine Arts (A.F.A.) degree programs are designed for transfer to four-year colleges. These degrees give students grounding in their major fields of study, along with the general studies required of freshmen and sophomores in four-year schools. Students who graduate with an A.A. or A.S. Degree and transfer to a New Jersey Public Institution receive the benefits of transfer registration. See for the rules and requirements.

The Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree programs are career-related. Students receive education and training in the skills needed for employment, plus the general studies are designed to turn out well-rounded employees. While some credits may transfer to four-year institutions, the A.A.S. programs are not designed for transfer. In some study areas, certificate programs are available. These contain fewer credits than the degree programs and certify students as competent in a particular employment areas.

Company On-site Credit Course Offerings (COCCO)

Continuing and Professional Studies works with employers who request college courses to be presented to their employees at their place of business. The courses are identical to those presented on campus and are taught by Brookdale faculty. Students receive full college credit for course completion. Instructional emphasis to include case studies can be customized to reflect corporate objectives and learning experiences with on-the-job tasks. Every effort is made to meet the needs of employers. Starting dates and class times are flexible.

College Life

The Office of Student Life and Activities oversees over 50 clubs and organizations geared to student interests. The Current (student newspaper) and Collage (student literary magazine) are two publications produced by the student body.

Students can become involved in planning and shaping programs and services at Brookdale through the Student Life Board (Brookdale’s version of student government, programming board and finance board, all in one). Students may also serve as members of College Governance. This is a body comprised of faculty, administrators, staff and students which discusses issues affecting College life and academic policies and regulations. Recommendations are forwarded to the President for consideration and recommendations.

Continuing and Professional Studies

At Brookdale Community College, “community” is at the core of our mission. Continually searching for innovative and creative ways to meet the constantly changing needs of Monmouth County residents, we help people savor life, build bridges, open doors, find hope and educate themselves for the future.

Looking for a career change or job training? Explore new possibilities! Brookdale’s short-term career training programs include health care, green jobs and construction management, business/industry career training certificate programs, computer training and the alternate route to teacher certification. Continuing education programs in health care and teaching can help improve on-the-job performance and promotion potential.

The Center for Career Development serves the educational and training needs of individuals interested in entry-level employment, a career change or career advancement.

Learning is lifelong! Brookdale opens the door to unlimited new possibilities, from classroom presentations, to hands-on classes or our Tour & Talk trips, there is something for everyone to learn and enjoy. Visit the Continuing and Professional Studies website and select Lifelong Learning.

During the summer, Brookdale’s Camps-On-Campus program offers summer camps for children and teen workshops.

For more information on any of the offerings, visit the Continuing and Professional Studies website or call 732-224-2315.


Brookdale, Monmouth County’s official county college, is certified by the State of New Jersey and the United States Department of Education to grant associate degrees to students who complete formal programs of study, and is a member of the Servicemembers Opportunity College Consortium. In addition, Brookdale programs have accreditation or recognition from specific organizations and agencies where applicable.

Brookdale Community College is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, 3624 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19104 (267-284-5000). The Middle States Commission on Higher Education is an institutional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Council for Higher Education. After its periodic evaluation of the College in March 2018, a follow-up visit was conducted in April  2019 with a final report on Brookdale’s Accreditation Status issued in June 2019. All actions for Brookdale’s Accreditation may be found on the on Middle State’s webpage (  Brookdale adheres to the Principles of Good Practice in Institutional Advertising, Student Recruitment and Representation of Accredited Status as defined by the Council for Higher Education. A copy of the Principles is available in the office of the Vice President for Learning.

The Culinary Arts associate degree program is accredited by the American Culinary Federation Education Foundation 180 Center Place Way, St. Augustine, Florida 32095.

The Human Services associate degree program is accredited by the Council for Standards in Human Service Education, 3337 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-5219 (571) 257-3959.

The Nursing program is accredited by the New Jersey Board of Nursing (NJBON), 124 Halsey Street, Sixth Floor, Newark, New Jersey 07101 (973) 504-6430 and by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) 3343 Peachtree Road, NE, Suite 850, Atlanta, GA 30326 (404) 975-5000. 

The Respiratory Therapy program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care, 1248 Harwood Road, Bedford, Texas 76021-4244 (817) 283-2835.

The Radiologic Technology program is accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology, 20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 900, Chicago, Illinois 60606 (312) 704-5300 and the Radiologic Technology Board of Examiners, 25 Arctic Parkway, Trenton, NJ 08625 (609) 984-5890.

Concerns regarding any Health Science Program may be forwarded to the appropriate agency listed above.

The GM-ASEP option of the Automotive Technology program is certified by NATEF the National Automotive Technicians Foundation.

Institution Wide Assessment

Information on institution wide assessment results such as graduation, retention, certification and licensing pass rates and student learning outcomes are available through the office of the Associate Vice President for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness.

Outcomes assessment principles and practices are in compliance with accreditation requirements as articulated by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. The College’s assessment guiding principles are:

  • Faculty are the content experts.

  • The responsibility for learning is shared by the faculty and the student.

  • Assessment processes involve all faculty and responsibility is shared by all faculty teaching in the department/discipline.

  • The College Student Learning Outcomes Plan makes wise use of faculty and staff time.

  • Assessment is directly and inseparably linked to teaching and learning.

  • Assessment focuses on learning outcomes that are clearly articulated and linked institutionally, programmatically and to courses.

  • Results are used to improve student learning.

  • Sufficient resources are devoted to meaningful assessment activities.

  • Assessment results will be communicated to the campus community.

  • Assessment of student learning is a means to faculty growth and development.

Information on Accreditation by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education and individual program accreditation is available on the Accreditation page of the Brookdale website.

Honors at Brookdale

Brookdale’s Honors program provides an enriched academic experience to a select cohort of highly motivated students.  Through a curriculum that emphasizes global awareness, cultural experiences, and local engagement, Brookdale Honors students are challenged to connect their studies to the world beyond the campus.  By fostering collaborative learning and intellectual inquiry, Honors at Brookdale prepares students for transfer to competitive four-year colleges and universities, as well as for citizenship in our 21st century world.  There are two options within the Honors program:

  1. To graduate “With Honors” students must complete 18 credits of Honors coursework during their time at Brookdale, present a capstone project at the Honors Symposium, and graduate with a 3.5 G.P.A.

  2. To earn an “Honors Certificate of Recognition,” students must complete 9 credits of Honors coursework and graduate with a 3.5 G.P.A.  Presentation at the Honors Symposium is highly recommended, but not required.  The Certificate is a good option for students beginning their Honors studies in their second year.

Brookdale has transfer agreements which enable graduates of the Honors program to enter the third year of Honors programs at Monmouth University, Georgian Court University and Rider University.  A transfer agreement with Rutgers Business School in New Brunswick enables Honors graduates who are business majors and have completed the required prerequisite, to transfer in as juniors. 

For a complete description of Honors at Brookdale, including the application process and course offerings, refer to the Honors page on the Brookdale website.

Student Grievance Process

Students who have questions or concerns about any issue at Brookdale Community College are encouraged to resolve those issues through appropriate channels.

Specific concerns related to faculty members or course content issues must first be discussed with the faculty member involved to try and reach an amicable solution. If unsatisfied, students must then meet with a department chairperson followed by the Institute Dean, if necessary.

Students appealing a grade in a course must follow a prescribed process. While the initial steps are informal, students have the right to file a formal appeal. The final step in this process is a hearing before a representative committee including faculty, staff and students. The paperwork for the Grade Appeal process is available online or by calling 732-224-2196.